Pastor Wesley ministering the Word of Life
Here Wesley is ministering God's Word to God's people.
After speaking from the Bible for a while he begins to call people to come forward for prayer for healing, restoration, God's provision. Hands are gently laid on the sick and humble, faith-filled prayers are made to God for His mighty healing power to touch them.
If you need God to help you in some way...please come to Gospel Mission and request prayer.
Worship Team
Psalm 100:4 'Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name'.
As we gather together in the presence of the Lord...a faithful group of musicians provide music and vocal support and encouragement to help us as we seek to express our love, thanks, and worship to the Lord.
Here we have Randy (who co-ordinates the music/worship ministry) on the guitar, accompanied by Raymund (also on guitar) and his wife Jenny singing. Also singing is Suzanne. Ian is on drums, and Charlie on harmonica.
Each week we have a slightly different mix of people who serve the Gospel Mission saints in leading us in worship.
Sunday Lunch
Delicious hot meals are served at Gospel Mission every Sunday after the 1pm meeting. We also serve delicious hot, freshly cooked meals every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday night after the evening meetings.
Big thanks to the intrepid team of humble, faithful, hard-working volunteers who labour behind the scenes in the hot kitchen...preparing food, and dishing up attractive and nutritious meals for the hungry family who call Gospel Mission their spiritual home.
Just look at that beautiful scene!
Slicing and bagging a mountain!
The Gospel of Matthew 25:35 'When I was hungry you gave me something to eat'.
Big 'Thank you!' to Cobbs Bread who donate lots of lovely fresh bread to Gospel Mission every Sunday night!
Monday afternoons we slice all the loaves and put them into bags. We also bag batches of bread rolls and paistries.
This bread is available for the Gospel Mission 'family' to help themselves to.
One of the high-lights of my week is when we take tubs of fresh bread out onto the streets to give away to the hungry. The gratitude with which it's received is so humbling.
Here are volunteers out on Carrall street, at Pidgeon Square chatting to local/regular Abraham. They've handed out all their bread and are enjoying engaging with folk they've met. There are lovely, interesting, very colourful people in DTES. I love getting to know them and finding appropriate opportunities to share the love of Jesus and often pray for people right where they are.
Pidgeon Square
Here's a photo of the patch right next to the Mission.
The white building directly behind the W Hastings street sign is the Gospel Mission.
Seven boxes of shoes (all in lovely condition. Some like new!) donated by Quick Cobbler in Olympic Village. Big 'Thanks'! to Ronald Nijdam and his team for their generosity! Decent footware is essential for people who are out on the streets in all sorts of weather.
What a joy for us at Gospel Mission to be able to help people when they come to us either barefoot or with broken shoes and we can offer them some decent, clean, attractive shoes in their size!
Colourful People
Yes, there are some very colourful people on the streets in DTES. We met 'Captain Kaleidoscope' and his magnificent bicycle machine. What fun! Gerrie got on the contraption. Photos were taken. Prayers were prayed. Invitations to visit the Mission were given...together with my Chaplaincy card.
A special moment on the streets DTES.
Thursday Night's Meeting
Randy ministering to the Gospel Mission saints on a Thursday night.
Often we view a video together...then enjoy a delicious freshly cooked hot meal. Lovely!
Cooking up a feast!
The 'Cinderella Team' hard at work behind the scenes on a Thursday night cooking up a culinary feast!
Kimberly is 'head servant' in the kitchen...ably assisted by Roberta, Nancy, and Ian.
Local Musician Serves at Gospel Mission
Debs works at Stratosphere Hair Salon right across Carral Street from the Gospel Mission. She had met a couple of folks from the Mission and felt, as a Christian, that she'd like to help us if she could.
She now comes regularly on a Friday night to lead us in worship from her guitar. Her dynamic, enthusiastic approach to praising and worshipping the King of kings goes down a treat at the Mission! Her little furry companion 'Maggy' has brought a smile to many a care-worn face.
Thank you Debs for your love and faithful support!
The Walking Wounded
There are many damaged and broken people on the streets in DTES. One Sunday after the 1pm meeting and lunch had already been served and everything had been just about cleaned came a young man who had been walking barefoot and who had stepped onto a piece of broken glass! Could we help him?
Fortunately, one of our volunteers, Jenny, who sings in the worship group, is also a qualified nurse. She soon got him cleaned up, disinfected, and sent on his way...after prayers not just for his foot...but for his salvation...and with a take away container of lovely freshly cooked food.
The Door
Jesus the Gospel of John 10:7 that He is the gate, (or the door), by which we may enter in to the Kingdom of God.
The door to the Gospel Mission has been, for many, the portal through which they have passed on their journey to Jesus who of course is The Door!
Our door is ofen maligned, and marked, beaten and hammered on...but for those who enter in through it...there awaits love, care, support, prayer...and through Jesus...forgiveness, salvation, peace of mind, new hope, joy, eternal life, eternity in heaven!...oh...and often a nice hot cup of coffee and a lovely meal!
Darcy Dube
Friends can be a tremendous source of support and encouragement.
So it is that Darce and Glenda Dube, who pastor Destiny Centre Church in Delta, have proved to be a great support to Gospel Mission. Here he is ministering one Sunday afternoon at the Mission. Known for his bold yet relaxed ministry style he's greatly loved and respected by the 'family' of Gospel Mission.
He also serves on the Mission Board now and brings years of experience to enrich and strengthen us.
Big thanks Darcy!